Senior Sales Manager Diane Pieciak has been with The Hanover Theatre and Conservatory for the Performing Arts for over ten years. We spoke with Diane about recent and upcoming promotions and how you can become more involved with theatre! Read on for highlights from the interview or listen to the full interview below. Be sure to tune in to WCRN Radio 830AM Saturdays at 1 pm to hear more behind-the-scenes interviews.
Diane Pieciak: I love working at the theatre and look forward to the upcoming season.
Lisa Condit: We just had our 2019 Spring Soiree.
Diane: It’s an appreciation event for our advertisers, corporate partners and promotional partners. We do it every year to show our support to them for what they do for us. This year, the AC Hotel in downtown Worcester, was generous enough to offer their beautiful hotel for our event. Other promotional partners like La Jolie Fleur provided flowers, and some giftcards from deadhorse hill and the 110 Grill were part of our raffle. It was a high energy event! We proceeded to go to opening night of On Your Feet! ,which I think everyone was on their feet that night.
Lisa: We have the opportunity to see how downtown Worcester and the surrounding communities have really changed since we started working together. How can we add meaning to what our promotional partners are trying to do and how can they add value and meaning to what we are trying to do in a way that our members and supporters are going to feel good about that partnership?
Diane: Each of our partners brings a different passion and strength. We all have the same goal to support each other, so everyone brings their best to the table. Because of that, we’re seeing such a great transformation in downtown Worcester.
Lisa: We want everybody to know just how much fun and accessible this whole area has become. There has been such great momentum from the city and from the theatre district campaign for everybody in this area. It’s not just about theater, it’s about building a community and making sure it’s fun, wholesome and affordable for people of all ages.
Diane: One thing that jumped out about the Spring Soiree is that we walked from the AC Hotel by Marriott Worcester to the theater and saw some great restaurants and storefronts that weren’t there before. Who would have thought that it would be as built up in ten years?
Lisa: We’re also working on our Refer A Friend program for our new subscription series for next year. Our exclusive party for new subscribers is going to be at a new location this year too.
Diane: It is going to be at the WooHaHa comedy club on May 22. That’s part of the Grid Hospitality Group that has come on as a Gourmet Partner and is within walking distance of the theatre. There is a deadline on this, so we hope you’ll be able to join us at this fun event.
Lisa: We have already confirmed some corporate sponsors for our upcoming Broadway Series, but there is still some availability if companies want to get involved and want that exposure that comes with sponsoring one of our shows.
Diane: This is the perfect time to engage with the theatre. There are also corporate memberships, the All Access Club that gives you tickets to everything at The Hanover Theatre, and if you’d like to just advertise in our Broadway programs, this is the perfect time before the season starts.