Behind the Scenes with Sarah Hallowell and Sarah Garofalo about the 2023-2024 Broadway Season

Sarah Garofalo and Sarah Hallowell talk about the upcoming 2023-2024 Broadway season! Read on for highlights from the interview, or listen to the full interview below. Tune in to Talk of the Commonwealth with Hank Stolz on WCRN 830AM Fridays at 9 AM and Saturdays at 1 PM for more behind-the-scenes interviews.
Sarah G.: Hello, thank you for joining us on behind the scenes at The Hanover Theatre. This is Sarah Garofalo and today I’m joined by the other Sarah in the office. Sarah Hallowell, welcome to the show.
Sarah H.: Thank you so much. Happy to be here.
Sarah G.: I’m very excited to talk to you today. For those of you who don’t know you, Sarah, can you introduce yourself to the audience?
Sarah H.: I’m Sarah Hallowell. I’m the Communications Manager here at the theatre. I work hand-in-hand with the tours that we have coming in, and I do a lot on our marketing and advertising side.
Sarah G.: Indeed, and you are quite the superstar when it comes to that. Thank you for all your work. It’s very, very fun working with you. I have a good time every day.
Sarah H.: Oh, thanks. That’s very sweet. We work right across from each other at the same desk. It’s the Sarah corner in our office.
Sarah G.: Any time someone walks by, and they say, “Hey, Sarah,” we say, “Which one?” But, we have a lot of exciting things to talk about today with our 2023-2024 Broadway season that we’ve been slowly announcing over the past few weeks. Why don’t you give us a little rundown of what everyone can be looking forward to?
pretty woman: the musical
november 10-12, 2023
Sarah H.: Yeah, if you haven’t seen so far, we have some great shows coming up. We’ll just run through what we’re having. Unfortunately, we can’t tell you about two of them, but we can hint at what they are. I’m sure that you can guess. Our first show coming next season is Pretty Woman: The Musical coming to us November 10-12, and it is generously sponsored by Country Bank. I’m excited about that one. I haven’t seen the movie.
Sarah G.: I have and it’s a great movie.
Sarah H.: I should probably watch the movie.

Sarah G.: Well, we had this problem last season with Annie. I know that neither of us had seen the movie, right?
Sarah H.: That’s true. Yeah, I went in blind with Annie and I loved it.
Sarah G.: I did too. I went in completely blind. I had no idea what was going to happen at the end, and I think that I was better off for that. Maybe you should go in blind for Pretty Woman and you should wait to see the show on our stage.
Sarah H.: I’ll probably do that.
Sarah G.: It’s a good one, though. I’m excited to hear the songs that they have because the movie is not a musical.
beetlejuice the musical
january 2-7, 2024
Sarah H.: Yeah. Then, we have Beetlejuice coming up. We just announced that one a few weeks ago. I’m very excited about that one. It’s coming to us the first week in January, January 2-7 sponsored by Cornerstone Bank. I actually got to see this one last year in New York City when I attended the Broadway League Spring Road Conference. It was my favorite one that I saw last year. It is ridiculous and funny and hilarious. It’s just so fun. I love it.

Sarah G.: I’m so excited for that one. That movie is absolutely iconic. All the little goodies that you brought back are fun. Their marketing materials and their designs and whatnot are so fun.
my fair lady
february 16-18, 2024
Sarah H.: It’s such a fun show. You have to be open to the ridiculousness of it all, but if you are, you’ll be laughing the whole time. Then, we have My Fair Lady coming in February, February 16-18, sponsored by The Club at Rockland Trust. Fun fact about this one, I was in My Fair Lady in high school. I don’t remember what grade but my brother was Henry Higgins and I was one of the Cockney girls. I had to work on my accent. I’m excited about that one. I think that brings nostalgia for a lot of people because I think a lot of people have seen that one. I think they’ve rebuilt and revamped the costumes and it’s just a classic.

Sarah G.: Wow, that’s so exciting. You’ll be able to see your old role on our stage, which is cool. I know that when I’ve talked to patrons coming into the theatre about this show, people get really, really excited and people just love and adore the show so much. I’m excited to have it here.
national broadway tour #4 tba
april 5-7, 2024
Sarah H.: Definitely. We have a Mystery Show coming to us April 5-7, sponsored by UniBank. I think it’s hard to give hints our hint is falling head over feet. I don’t know if we can give much more detail than that.
Sarah G.: That’s right. I do know that people will be really, really excited for this one. I’ve heard a lot of people talking about it. A lot of people have guessed what this show is. If you see me at a show, you can guess and I will confirm.
Sarah H.: Yeah, Tony® and Grammy® Award winning new musical.
Sarah G.: Yeah, that will be fun with fun, upbeat music I think.
national broadway tour #5 tba
Sarah H.: We’re announcing that one on June 26, so make sure you check your email and check social media. Our second mystery show is one that we’ll be announcing soon!
to kill a mockingbird
may 3-5, 2024
Sarah H.: Our final show for next season is To Kill a Mockingbird, that will be coming to us May 3-5, and that is sponsored by Baystate Savings Bank. This is a classic. I’m excited, and we don’t often have plays. I think it’s a nice change of pace and something that’ll make you think, too.
Sarah G.: I agree. I think that’ll be a nice, serene way to finish out our season. I’m sure that most everybody has either read the book or seen the movie or just experienced this story one way or another. To see it live on a stage, I’m sure it will be really interesting.

Sarah H.: Definitely. It has been said to be the most successful American play in Broadway history.
Sarah G.: We are officially in subscriptions season. We’ve just finished our renewals, so current subscribers have been renewed, they’ve got their seats once more for next season. Starting June 1, we will start handing out new subscriptions.
Sarah H.: Yeah, June 1 for new subscribers. If you’re interested in subscribing, you can do it online or call us on June 1 is when we’ll be starting that. It’s really the best way to get great seats this year. We have limited performances and we also have quite a few subscribers, so we have a lot of seats that are already taken by subscribers. Really, the best way to get those great seats is to subscribe, we know that all of these shows are going to be extremely popular, so subscribing is a great way to ensure that you have great seats before they sell out. Plus, you have great savings. I’m not sure how many people are aware of this, but due to demand, sometimes the prices change, so we have had experience with that last year just because shows like Hadestown or Aladdin are extremely popular, so subscribers never have to worry about price increases. That is a great benefit of being a subscriber.
Sarah G.: Yeah, totally. As of right now, all the shows that we’ve mentioned are only available through subscriptions. You can only secure your seats today through a subscription. So, if you want to make sure that you have got your seat for these shows, I would grab a subscription as soon as possible. Even though single tickets will be available in a few months, there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the best seats then, but subscribers will get the best seats at the best price.
Sarah H.: Subscribers also have flexibility if there’s a certain night that you can’t go. Say you’re subscribed to Friday night, but something comes up. You can always switch your switch your seats into another performance and then you could go Saturday or Sunday. So, there’s great flexibility with that. And as Sarah mentioned, if you subscribe to our season the following year, you’re the first in line for upgrades and better seats. It’s really the best way to go.
Sarah G.: Yeah, there are countless benefits for being a subscriber here at The Hanover Theatre. As you mentioned, the swapping of shows. I think that is an underrated benefit for sure.
Sarah H.: Definitely. You can call us to subscribe, you can subscribe online. You can even subscribe when you come to the next show at the theatre, make sure to check out the subscription table. Come talk to us. We’d love to chat with you about your different options and get you signed up.
Sarah G.: Subscribers also often get early access to our other shows, tickets for other performances. So, when shows get announced, you’ll have early access to those shows as well.
Sarah H.: Definitely. Plus, a discount 10% off for most of those.
Sarah G.: Before we wrap up, I just want to reiterate that if you are interested in becoming a subscriber, you can hop on our website right now and fill out our form that puts you on the list to become a new subscriber. We will start going through that list on June 1. Make sure you get yourself on that list as soon as possible so that you can get the best seats available. We would love to have you as a subscriber.
Sarah H.: Yes, we would!