Youth Acting Company

Grades 9-12 by invitation only.

The Youth Acting Company in Rock of Ages performed at the BrickBox Theater.

The Youth Acting Company is our resident performance company and was created to give young, capable actors performance opportunities throughout the year.

The company is comprised of students between the ages of 14 and 19. Actors are selected for this company by invitation only. Students rehearse for three intimate performances/presentations a year in three eight-week blocks (fall, winter and spring). Students must attend two or more rehearsals per week while in session. Performances may take place on stage, in studio, at the BrickBox or other informal area venues.

In addition, Youth Acting Company members are granted automatic acceptance into the Youth Summer Program at The Hanover Theatre without attending a qualifying audition.

We aim to expand a student’s horizons by providing them with the opportunity to work with three different directors, in three or more spaces while being exposed to three different styles of performance, all in a single season.

Company Requirements:

  • Enrolled in two or more classes per week throughout the year (any genre, but one acting class minimum per semester)
  • Attend rehearsals three times per week
  • Perform with full energy, desire and commitment, sometimes twice in a day
  • Commit to all three 8-week sessions for the year

*Spring Musical Sample Schedule: Monday 7-8:30 PM, Tuesday-Friday 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM. If a musical is selected for one of the performances, a more intense rehearsal schedule would be required during that 8-week stretch.

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